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IEEE CAS: TCAS-II Special Issue announcement

Dear Members of Circuits and Systems Society,

You are cordially invited to contribute to the special issue of theIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs on"Circuits and systems solutions for nanoscale CMOS design challenges."

This special issue intends to present cutting-edge circuits and systems solutions that address nanoscale CMOS design challenges, including leakage, variability, low inherent device gains and low supply voltages. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Low-voltage low-power circuit techniques
- Operating principles and design techniques to overcome nanoscaleCMOS challenges for basic functional building blocks
- Co-design and optimal use of analog and digital signal processing
- Co-design and optimal use of continuous-time and discrete-time signal processing
- Alternative signal representation methods enabling efficientnanoscale circuit function

Manuscript submission is due on Oct 15 2008 and the issue is scheduledfor publication in May 2009.

The detailed call-for-papers can be found at:http://tcas2.polito.it/special_issue.html.
We look forward to your valuable contribution.

Yours sincerely,
Peter Kinget, Columbia University
K.P. Pun, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lucien Breems, NXP Semiconductors
(Guest Editors)