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The Institute Online: Kam and Ray Have Their Say


Here's your report on news around IEEE, from the editors of The Institute.The current version of The Institute can always be found at <http://www.ieee.org/theinstitute>


1. Kam and Ray Have Their Say2. Time Running Out to Vote3. Marketplace of Ideas: Women and Bias4. IEEE to Mark 125th Anniversary5. The Institute Wants to Hear From You6. Boosting IEEE's Visibility and Prestige7. Networking Technology's History8. New IEEE Award Honors Power Engineer9. Hard Work Gains Student Branch Title of Year's Best10. Part-time Passions11. Conferences: November to January12. Nominations Needed for "2009 New Faces of Engineering"
Subscription info and your member number are at the end of the e-mail.


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1. Kam and Ray Have Their SayIn June The Institute introduced you to the two candidates for 2009 IEEEPresident-Elect, by filling you in on some of their background andpersonal interests. Now it's time to get down to business and learn whereMoshe Kam and Pedro Ray stand on important IEEE issues. Read on athttp://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12619/80462773

2. Time Running Out to VoteYou've got until 1 October--a month earlier than usual--to return yourannual election ballot, which was sent out in August. For moreinformation, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12620/80462773

3. Marketplace of Ideas: Women and BiasA recent study by the Center for Work-Life Policy, a nonprofit thatresearches women and work, concluded that women leave the science,engineering, and technology fields in disproportionate numbers becauseof gender bias. While women enter these fields in high numbers--41 percent of employees here are women--and 75 percent of them scorewell on performance reviews at the beginning of their careers, more thanhalf--52 percent--later leave. According to the study, they're driven out bya "pervasive macho culture" in which women face strong bias, dismissiveattitudes from male colleagues, and even sexual harassment.
From your experience, do you agree with these findings? Weigh in at<mailto:institute@ieee.org>
Read responses to June's question, which asked whether you or yourInternet Service Provider should be blamed for illegal downloads. Mostsaid the guilt should lie with the individual, and others felt that theuploaders were to blame. Check out members' responses athttp://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12621/80462773


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4. IEEE to Mark 125th AnniversaryPreparations are under way for next year's celebration of IEEE's 125thanniversary. Throughout 2009, IEEE will host activities around the worldto celebrate the organization's successes, leverage its prestige, and helpincrease its visibility and that of its members and the profession. Readmore at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12623/80462773

5. The Institute Wants to Hear From YouWas your parent or grandparent a member of the American Institute ofElectrical Engineers, one of IEEE's predecessor societies? In light ofIEEE's upcoming 125th anniversary, The Institute is considering doing astory on such members. Let the editors know at <mailto:institute@ieee.org>

6. Boosting IEEE's Visibility and PrestigeIEEE has embarked on a multimillion-dollar Public Visibility Initiative, afive-year communications program that seeks to raise the organization'sglobal visibility and improve the image of the engineering profession. Formore information, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12624/80462773


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7. Networking Technology's HistoryThe IEEE History Committee has a bold ambition--to make IEEE thego-to resource for the history of technology. The center will make a leapin this direction later this month with the beta launch of its IEEE GlobalHistory Network Web site. Learn more at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12626/80462773

8. New IEEE Award Honors Power EngineerThe IEEE Foundation, in cooperation with the IEEE Power & EnergySociety, recently established the Douglas M. Staszesky DistributionAutomation Award. The annual award recognizes those who havedevised ways to automate electric utility distribution systems thatimprove system reliability and availability. For more information, visithttp://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12627/80462773

9. Hard Work Gains Student Branch Title of Year's BestHave you been busy this past year? Well, the members of the IEEEstudent branch at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University(better known as Virginia Tech), in Blacksburg, Va., have taken busy to ahigh new level. Read how their hard work led the branch to be named theschool's 2007 Society of the Year, at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12628/80462773


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10. Part-time PassionsIEEE members don't just sit around and work all day. Some haveintriguing hobbies. A German student member performs tricks on a BMXbike, and in Italy, a senior member is into ballet. For their stories, visithttp://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12630/80462773

11. Conferences: November to JanuaryIEEE conferences in these months cover such topics as ultrasonics,sustainable energy, IT in medicine and education, electron devices,wireless systems, and electromagnetic compatibility. For moreinformation, visit http://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12631/80462773

12. Nominations Needed for "2009 New Faces of Engineering"IEEE-USA is seeking nominations for "2009 New Faces of Engineering."The deadline for nominating someone is 17 October. The programrecognizes engineers new to the profession with outstanding educationaland career accomplishments. The nomination form and more informationare available at http://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/12632/80462773


Managing Your Subscription to The Institute Online Alert:
The Institute Online Alert is prepared twice a month by the editors of TheInstitute, the news source for members of IEEE. Members who haveprovided an e-mail address are automatically subscribed to the Alert as amember benefit.
Members who wish to OPT OUT of the Alert may do so by going to:<http://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/e-notice/io-enotice.html>Enter your e-mail address and member number: 80462773You may receive one more Alert before the opt out takes effect.
Members who need to CHANGE CONTACT INFO on file with IEEE,including e-mail addresses, should do so at:<http://www.ieee.org/membership/coa.xml>
Members who need to UPDATE THEIR IEEE EMAIL ALIAS, maydo so at: <http://eleccomm.ieee.org/>
Or if you need assistance with your membership, contact IEEE MemberServices by e-mail at <mailto:member-services@ieee.org> or bytelephone +1 800 678 IEEE (+1 800 678 4333) from within the U.S.,or +1 732 981 0060 from outside the U.S., or by fax +1 732 562 5445.
If you have questions or comments about The Institute Online Alert,please send a message to: <mailto:tialert@ieee.org>


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